Fall 2014


The days are shorter, the skies grow darker, and you can never be certain that the shadow seen moving out of the corner of your eye isn't simply your imagination. To distract you, we present the Fall 2014 issue. It's probably best to keep the lights on.



Desmond S. Peeples


Joshua Sheridan

"Ain't No Me"

Daniel Galef

"Erratic Literature: A Squibbler's Progress & Descent"

Patricia Ann McNair


Victorya Chase

"Someone Else's Children"

Corey Klinzing

"The White Widow"



Ed Shacklee

"The Camelopard," "The Beast in The Jungle," and "Worms in the End"

Martin Elster

"A Head for Her Times"

Cheryl McPhilimy

"The Inventive Decor"

Sam Kuban

"Ms. Urnpulp"



Ebeneeza K.