Issue Three
Illustrations © The Edward Gorey Charitable Trust. All rights reserved.
In coordination with Goreyesque’s April reading event and in cahoots with the Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA), it is our exquisite, wacked-out, and slightly maimed pleasure to bring you Issue 3.
This month’s posse includes writers and artists at play in Chicago, home city of the Elegant Enigmas and G is for Gorey—C is for Chicago exhibitions, as well as the birthplace of Edward Gorey himself. Inside, you’ll find scenes of whimsy and fear (and anthropomorphized deer), the Villa Dementia, Ouija boards galore, and a diverse selection of fiction. Enjoy this foretaste of our judges’ selections, and please join us at LUMA on April 29th to celebrate the master with a clutch of his ghoulish disciples.
Sam Weller
Ben Tanzer
Mort Castle
Alex Jaros
Juli Clifton
Danielle Wilcox
Scott Eagan
Tina Jens and Martin Mundt
"One Night at the Villa Dementia"