Enigmatic Expectations

You are probably sitting there, in your plush easy chair, your darkened closet, or your curious sofa, wondering what this is all about. What is Goreyesque? (Hurry to the About section immediately! Go ahead, we'll wait.)

Very well, then. We are counting on you - yes, you! - to provide us with your best work inspired by Edward St. John Gorey. Write that short story, that poem, that essay. Sketch that illustration, paint that picture, shoot that photograph. Got it? Is it ingenious, wicked, ghastly, exceptionally well-made? Excellent! Then send it to: goreysubmissions@gmail.com. We'll let you know whether we think it's amazing within about 3 weeks.


The exhibitions at the Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA) - Elegant Enigmas: The Art of Edward Gorey and G is for Gorey - C is for Chicago: The Collection of Thomas Michalak - open February 15, 2014. It is our goal to premiere the work we have selected for Goreyesque online on or near the date of the opening. We will keep you updated on our success with pulling off this scheme.

Additionally, we are planning a reading event at the LUMA gallery on Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Selected participants will be reading their work starting at 6:00 p.m. Audience members will then be invited to view the exhibitions (free of charge) from approximately 7:00-8:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. More information will be available closer to the date.

Please submit your work, return to this site for updates, "like" us on Facebook (facebook.com/Goreyesque), follow us on Twitter (@GoreyesqueLit), and love us forever.